Q. My phone cannot find the EcoQube, what should I do?
A) You MUST enable the following permissions for EcoQube in your phone settings:
For iOS:
For Android:
We do not access private information or sell any data to third parties. Bluetooth permission is required solely for connecting to your EcoQube device.
Q. Has the unit stopped working?
A) What is the current status of the LED light on EcoQube along with the serial number (located at the bottom. e.g. EG23EQ000045)? LED light blinks or shows solid light with some color?
Q. Flashing orange LED light
a. Cases of a hung connection: The blinking orange LED light means it's either in the factory reset status or in the BLE setup state. The BLE connection may not have been disconnected from the EcoQube app even after it was successfully registered, so the device is holding up the BLE connection. Can you try to re-register (no need to unregister the existing account) the device with the EcoQube app and then disconnect the power plug from the EcoQube device if it's still blinking orange? When the device is restarted, it'll connect to the registered Wi-Fi and should show solid GREEN, ORANGE, or RED LED light.
b. Cases of Wi-Fi connection issues: Please follow the steps from the attached instructions to see if your EcoQube can get the connection back. See attached Wifi connection troubleshooting pdf
c. Cases for changing Wi-Fi connection: you can select another WiFi by following the steps below.
Go to DASHBOARD -- Tap three dots at the top of the right corner -- Tap "Device settings" -- Tap "Wi-Fi Network" - Tap "Change W-iFi Network"
Q. Flashing red LED light
a. Cases for Wi-Fi connection issues: Please follow the steps from the attached instructions to see if your EcoQube can reconnect to Wi-Fi. See attached Wifi connection troubleshooting pdf
b. Cases for Wi-Fi intermittent connection issues: EcoQube tries to keep a consistent connection to your home router for the best performance. If there is an issue, it will attempt to reestablish connection automatically with the RED LED light blinking from time to time. This does not indicate that n EcoQube is not functioning. As long as you are able to see the measured radon data from the EcoQube mobile app with no gaps, it should be fine. Please let us know if it is the case with your device.
See attached Wifi connection troubleshooting pdf
Q. My EcoQube cannot connect to WiFi, what should I do?
Confirm that you have a 2.4 GHz network. EcoQube only supports 2.4 GHz and does not currently support 5 GHz-only wireless networks. If you have a dual band Wi-Fi router, make sure you have not enabled 5 GHz steering. Make sure your EcoQube device is within your wireless network’s range. For example, walls and floors can weaken your router’s signal - decreasing its range.
If Wi-Fi searching is taking long time, please click the refresh button on the top right corner. This will restart the Wi-Fi network search and after a short period will display list of available 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks. Please select the desired Wi-Fi network from this list.
Here is a list of troubleshooting steps we recommend if this does not occur within a few minutes. After pairing with your smartphone’s Bluetooth connection, EcoQube’s LED light color will change from orange to green. As EcoQube attempts to connect to a network, the LED light will begin blinking until the connection is complete.
i. Ensure your mobile device is within Bluetooth range (approximately 25 feet)
ii. Ensure EcoQube is within range of your wireless network
iii. Ensure that the WiFi password is correct
iv. Initiate a Power Cycle or Reboot by unplugging EcoQube for 20 seconds
v. Initiate a Factory Reset by pressing the button for 20 seconds
vi. Disconnect other devices connected to your network and try again
vii. Restart your wireless router
For more information: Wifi connection troubleshooting pdf
Q. How to reset the data
In order to reset previously measured radon data, there are two ways:
1. Unregister the EcoQube by following the steps below and register it again.
Go to All Devices and swipe left on the device name to find the Unregister menu as seen below.
2. You can register the EcoQube with a different email address. Once you have completed onboarding the device again, you will no longer see previous measured data. Also, when you log back into the old account, you should be able to find previous measured data.
Q. Can I run the EcoQube without a Wi-Fi connection?
A) Unfortunately, the Internet connection is mandatory for EcoQube.
Q. How to find the IP and MAC address?
A) If you have access to your Wi-Fi router configuration, you can find the connected EcoQube device with its serial number. We use each device's serial number as SSID. You can find the IP and MAC address of the connected device from the router configuration.
Q. EcoQube IoT and API Support
A) We have future plans to support IoT features and API integration. We will let you know when these new features are available.
Q. What is the service life of the EcoQube?
A) EcoQube is expected to have a service life of 5 years, depending on usage conditions, wear and tear, etc.
Q. Does EcoQube require calibration?
A) For consumer devices, calibration is not required by law. EcoQube is initially calibrated by the manufacturer and has an expected service life of 5 years depending on usage conditions, wear and tear, etc.
Q. Why is my measured radon level high? Why are the radon levels measured by EcoQube and another device different?
A) Since you have measured the radon level with two different radon monitoring devices, it is difficult for us to determine the reason for the different results since each device has its own formula for showing radon levels. To make it more difficult, the measured time period is different as well. As you know, the radon level could be seasonal.
We would like to suggest that you use EcoQube for your continuous monitoring to see how it goes after the mitigation.
Q. I am still not receiving the verification email. What should I do?
A) You should receive a verification email within 30 minutes after signing up for Ecosense, or after requesting to verify your email address again by signing in to the EcoQube mobile app. If you're not seeing it in your inbox, here are some suggestions: f you've tried the steps above and still haven't received a verification email, please contact our Support Team again.
Q. Notifications (Alarm and Push notification)
1. To hear an alarm, turn on [Audio Alarm] in [Device Configurations] for each device. Every 10 minutes that the radon level exceeds the threshold you have set (default is 4.0 pCi/L), you will hear a beeping alarm sound.
2. To get push notifications, turn on both [Notifications] in [Settings] and [Audio Alarm] in [Device Configurations] for each device. Notification will be triggered when all of the following conditions are met.
a. When the radon level exceeds the threshold in [Device Configurations].
b. When the radon reading is updated every hour after EcoQube uploads its first data.
Q. What are the power supply specifications for EcoQube?
A) DC 5V, 200mA (5V 1A DC Adapter)
Q. Can’t proceed after typing in a verification code on iPhone
A) Click anywhere except the keypad and textbox for the verification code. Then, the keypad should slide down and the button [Click to verify] should show up.
Please click this area, then you will see the Button [Click to verify]