ecoguard-inspector – Ecosense

For Radon Inspectors

Generate new revenue streams post-inspection by providing radon monitoring service
to your customers with the EcoGuard.

What are some problems in your inspection business?

  • One-time job – No business continuation
  • Cannot provide accurate inspection results because of short inspection time, 48 or 72 hours
  • No interaction with client after inspection job is done
  • Low radon awareness – Not aware of fluctuation of radon level 
  • Same service from all inspectors 

What are some problems in your inspection business?

  • One-time job – No business continuation
  • Cannot provide accurate inspection results because of short inspection time, 48 or 72 hours
  • No interaction with client after inspection job is done
  • Low radon awareness – Not aware of fluctuation of radon level 
  • Same service from all inspectors 

“For our service plans, we’d like to be more interactive with the homeowners, not just install a system and leave, but come out with maintenance and help them with other problems in the house - so this is a nice way to get back in and really just keep an eye on the system.”

- David Lawson, Lawson Home Services LLC

Key Values of EcoGuard for Inspectors

Value-added service plans

Develop value-added post-inspection service plans for your customers

You can add value to inspection service by providing long-term radon monitoring service. This service allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors. ERMS EcoGuard delivers valuable real-time data to use for analyzing and generating radon reports.  

Sticky business model

Grow your revenue through a sticky business model

By educating clients on the fluctuation of radon levels, you can propose ERMS EcoGuard service to the homes where radon levels are between 2~4pCi/L. Previously, Inspectors could only provide one-time, short-term (48-72 hours) inspections and generate a radon report. ERMS EcoGuard can help you keep business continuation with customers by providing long-term monitoring services.

Peace of mind

to you and your customers by providing monitoring service

ERMS EcoGuard gives you and your customers peace of mind by providing long-term monitoring service. 

Create a committed customer base

Build a long-lasting relationship with your clients

By providing long-term monitoring services as professionals, your clients are fully committed to your business.

Sign up now and get benefits for your business

  • Generate value-added new service for clients
  • Generate new revenue for the business
  • Get 3 months free subscription after first sign up 
  • Access to industry-leading high performance, 30CPH, radon monitor
  • Monitor client’s radon levels anytime and anywhere
  • Manage devices and client information through EcoGuard dashboard account
  • Create on demand client radon reports 
  • Analyze detailed radon trend and see seasonal impacts
  • 24/7 Customer support
  • Ready-to-use service package
  • Easily add-on to your current business

Sign up now and get benefits for your business

  • Generate value-added new service for clients
  • Generate new revenue for the business
  • Get 3 months free subscription after first sign up 
  • Access to industry-leading high performance, 30CPH, radon monitor
  • Monitor client’s radon levels anytime and anywhere
  • Manage devices and client information through EcoGuard dashboard account
  • Create on demand client radon reports 
  • Analyze detailed radon trend and see seasonal impacts
  • 24/7 Customer support
  • Ready-to-use service package
  • Easily add-on to your current business

Book appointment with our sales team if you have questions about how to sign up to EcoGuard, pricing, and other questions related to the radon monitoring service

Book Appointment

EcoGuard vs EcoQube

EcoGuard with EcoQube SEcoQube
Mobile AppYesYes
Real-time monitoring modeYesYes
Remote monitoringYesYes
Push notificationYesYes
Guest invitationYesYes
Hourly data (txt file)YesYes
Radon trendYes (Advanced)Yes (Basic)
24-hrs averaging monitoring modeYesNo
Radon reportYesNo
Email notificationYesNo