Dossier de presse – Ecosense

Ecosense Media Kit

Hello! We've created guidelines to help you use our brand and assets, including our logo, content and trademarks without having to negotiate legal agreements for each use. To make any use of our assets in a way not covered by these guidelines, please contact us at

Introducing Ecosense New Brand Identity

Our Brandmark

Ecosense core signature consists of three elements: the symbol mark, logotype, and tagline. The logotype appears with the symbol mark in an approved size relation shown throughout this standard, but the logotype does not need to be always accompanied by the symbol mark. They appear separately and together according to the need and purpose.

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Introducing Ecosense New Brand Identity

By using the Ecosense symbol marks you agree to follow these guidelines as well as our Terms of Service and all our rules and policies. Ecosense reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change the permission in these guidelines at any time at its sole discretion. For further information about use of the Ecosense name and trademarks, please contact