Ecosense Enables Offering a Post-Mitigation Monitoring Service

Ecosense Enables Offering a Post-Mitigation Monitoring Service

EcoGuard radon monitoring service for radon professionals

Ecosense Enables Offering a Post-Mitigation Monitoring Service
by Peter C. Foller, Ph.D.

As a radon mitigator, you might sometimes wonder what more you can do for your customers.  If they can’t readily see the results of your work, are they fully satisfied?  Do they have the peace of mind about their decision to mitigate promised?  Will you get the referrals you should? 

What if you could affordably leave behind a state-of-the-art continuous electronic radon monitor and make the promise that its Wi-Fi communications capability allows you to ensure that their home stays safe through the seasons? Such is the premise behind EcoGuard - a monitoring service using the intelligent radon detector EcoQube S.

The EcoQube from Ecosense offers industry-leading sensitivity:  30 CPH/pCi/L (counts per hour per pico-Curie per liter).  It has won a 2021 CES Innovations Award and was included in TIME’s list of the 100 Best Inventions of 2021 on the basis of its outstanding performance, user-friendliness, and intuitive result reporting using graphical representations.  And now Ecosense offers a new way for you and your customers to access its benefits.  With the EcoQube S (based on the same EcoQube), you can monitor your handiwork, receive and share monthly reports, get notifications, and decide to react as necessary all from the convenience of an EcoGuard dashboard.

 Monitoring of post-mitigation radon levels can now be offered as a safety precaution to provide additional peace of mind.  You will be able to know if your work continues to perform as expected through the seasons.  Job site by job site, the insight gained will help you to refine your craft.

For a one-time acquisition fee and a low subscription fee paid monthly, Ecosense provides an EcoQube S Wi-Fi-enabled radon monitor, access to it through the EcoGuard dashboard, and full customer support.  In turn, the mitigator charges its customer its own monthly fee; dependent on what is included in their own potentially good/better/best system maintenance plans.  (The mitigator owns the EcoQube S device after payment of the one-time acquisition fee.)  The mitigator’s own subscription plans might include additional elements such as extended warranties, annual inspections, and discounts on maintenance.

 The EcoGuard offers a way to grow your business by offering peace of mind through a monitoring service.  This new and sticky business model is a win-win for all.  Your customers will know you stand behind your work and that a dedicated professional remains on the job, committed to their safety.