Which Radon Gas Detector Is Best For Me? – Ecosense

Which Radon Gas Detector Is Best For Me?

Which radon monitor should I buy for my home

Ecosense currently offers the general public three versions of home radon monitors (EcoBlu, EcoQube, and RadonEye). No, we are not trying to confuse you. Their different features are meant to appeal to different kinds of customers having different kinds of needs. 

Rest assured all of our consumer radon measurement products employ the same basic detection technology as our products used by home inspectors and certified radon professionals (RadonEye Pro for timed inspections, EcoTracker for rapidly finding radon hot spots, and EcoQube S for professional long-term radon monitoring). In all cases, our radon gas detectors greatly exceed device sensitivity standards set by AARST/NRPP.

So, you might ask “Which home radon monitor would be best for me?” - It depends. Please refer to the table, below, for a quick summary comparison; however, here is a little more discussion.

EcoBlu Digital Radon Gas Detector

Easiest & most affordable stand-alone

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The EcoBlu was the easiest thing I have ever set up in my life!”, as reviewed by our customer Laura S. Indeed, EcoBlu is super simple - just plug it in and you’re all set. You won’t need to activate this radon gas detector with Bluetooth (BLE) or Wi-Fi to get started. Instead, you’ll see the results right on EcoBlu’s large format front-facing LED display. 

EcoBlu works great for both short and long-term tests. Modes can be switched by pressing the “M” button on the back of the device. For the short-term, you’ll get a real-time reading that updates every 10-minutes. For the longer intervals, you’ll get to choose between daily, weekly, monthly, or annual averages. 

The device will inform you if your radon levels are high with a visual alarm (you’ll see a red light if your radon level exceeds 4 pCi/L) and you have an option to set up an audio alarm as well. (We recommend setting up the audio alarm, especially if the device is placed outside of your visible area.) 

Whether you choose it in white or blue, the friendly little monitor gives you numbers at a glance and the peace of mind that your home is safe. It is our most affordable home radon monitor.

EcoQube Intelligent Radon Detector

Award-winning Wi-Fi connected monitor & smart app

EcoQube Mobile App CES Product Cover.png__PID:f0a9a80a-1328-4b98-b2b6-125c44e41913

EcoQube is our 2021 CES award-winning radon measurement product for the home. It is essentially a palm-sized modern and minimalist cube. The device comes in black and is designed to unobtrusively fit in any room of your house.

EcoQube doesn't have a display, only a single multi-colored diode status indicator (it will light up green, yellow, or red depending on your radon level). If radon exceeds a set threshold, visual and audio (optional) alarms are triggered.

The intelligent home radon monitor is paired with the EcoQube App such that instantaneous results and long-term radon trending can be seen on your phone. The mobile app offers educational resources to understand the meaning of your radon level and even helps you find a radon professional nearby should mitigation be indicated. 

Here is the fun part:  the EcoQube App can be shared with other users such as your family members, neighbors, or even radon professionals. Because it is Wi-Fi connected, it makes it convenient to check your radon level anytime, from anywhere, and know that your home is safe.

RadonEye Smart Radon Gas Monitor

Our classic BLE connected top-seller

RadonEye Mobile App Product Cover.png__PID:28f0a9a8-0a13-48ab-98b2-b6125c44e419

RadonEye is our ever-popular first-generation product for your home radon monitoring needs. It’s a canister-shaped, lightweight device that comes in white. RadonEye features a small top-mounted OLED display that provides scrolling daily, weekly, monthly, and annual averages. 

The radon gas detector connects to your phone by Bluetooth and comes with a RadonEye App. The mobile app makes long-term radon monitoring interactive and informative by offering graphics to show how your radon level varies  over longer periods of time and season-by-season.

RadonEye’s Bluetooth connectivity is convenient for places without a Wi-Fi signal. You need to be within about 50 feet to reliably synch reporting from the device to the RadonEye App. An optional audio alarm triggers if radon is above the EPA Action Level, so you stay updated about your home radon status.


So, which home radon monitor is best for you? Consider your comfort level with setting up connectivity (though all easy-to-follow directions are provided), and consider the value of graphic visualizations, interpretative resources, and sharing with others.  Whichever radon gas detector you choose, Ecosense’s proprietary ion chamber detection technology ensures you have one of the fastest reporting, highest sensitivity, and most accurate consumer products available. 

EcoBlu vs EcoQube vs RadonEye


  • Will ozone cause a spike in my EcoQube readings?

  • HI Ecosense, I’m a realtor in Wyoming (lots of radon) and most of my radon specialists won’t come test on the fly rather they just want to mitigate. Which device would you say is highest level of reading??? I want to start putting these in homes before they list so we know if we need a radon mitigation system and FAST! Thanks

    Shay Scaffide

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